Regional innovation cluster Gyeonggi Technopark
Technoparks (hereafter, TP) were started in 1998 by the Korean government,, as a five-year project. The main initiators for TPs' births along with the Korean government were academia, regional governments and industry. TPs were born with the mission of diminishing the problems caused by economic developments done for the past few decades. At first, six places were chosen to operate the TP project. GTP was one of them. After the five-year projects, the Korean government established 10 more new TPs in other areas since the outcome of running 6 TPs was great. Currently we have all 19 TPs in Korea.
With the government's decentralization policy, TPs have been the core pivotal institutions to lead regional technology innovation. The central government enacted a special law for TPs in 1998 and supported TPs in multi-dimensional ways.
One of the special supports by the government is giving additional points of benefits to TPs when TPs apply for participating in the government's projects. The Korean government also helped TPs to organize its own association where the entire 19 TPs have joined to work together.