Regional innovation cluster Gyeonggi Technopark
GTP is located on the southwestern edge of Ansan.
> Car
The address is 705 Haean Ro, Sangnok Gu, Ansan (Enter "Gyeonggi TechnoPark" in your nevigation).
From Incheon International Airport and Seoul, approximate driving time is an hour.
> Subway
Since Ansan belongs to the Metropolitan area, subway trains will take you GTP from anywhere in Metropolitan cities. Frequent subway train services on line 4 (Blue line) are provided from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm.
- At Sangnoksu Stn (Line 4) -> Exit 1 -> Take Bus # 10-1 -> Get off at GTP or
- At Joong-ang Stn (Line 4) -> Exit 1 -> Take Bus # 80B -> Get off at GTP
> Metro Bus 3102 from Gangnam Stn(Line 2 & DX)
- From Gangnam Stn, Seocho Stn(Line 2) and Gyodae Stn(Seoul Nat'l Univ. of Education Station, Line 2&3)
Metro Bus 3102 will take you to Hanyang Univ-Erica, KITECH, KTL& GTP. Approximate time from
Gangnam is about 60min.